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Leaf Pattern Design



Artistic contributions

I participated in several poetic events in Paris and Montreal
by associating myself with other creative forms such as
photography, music, painting and calligraphy.
GRAND PRIX de la Pléiade
196 poèmes regroupés en 4 thèmes
Disponibles dans la Boutique
Marie Gagnon poète

The New Pleiade

Marie Gagnon poète


- 2017


Marie Gagnon

Complete exhibition
Art-Poetry June 2017


Marie Gagnon Poète



Marie Gagnon


Marie Gagnon calligraphe et poète



Calligraphy by Paulette Dufresne and Louise Rousseau on poems by Marie Gagnon


Dominique Perreau photographe


Photographic book
by Dominique Perreau
on poem by Marie Gagnon


Marie Gagnon poète


Calligraphy & Poetry


Calligraphy by Paulette Dufresne and Louise Rousseau on poems by Marie Gagnon


Marie Gagnon auteure poète


- 2018


Marie Gagnon


Marie Gagnon auteure poète




I dreamed of living volcanoes of fire,

Sea hurricanes raging,

Cracks of groaning earth,

Lava flows into the ocean.

Excerpt from the poem

“I dreamed of living”



In the night there is the dream,

A circus of floating characters,

Weightless like pieces of imagination,

Pèle mixes above my sleep.


Excerpt from the poem

" The dream "




The red, in fireworks,

Has sown kisses of poppies,

In the slow breathing of tender colored fields...

Gray beaded rain  of autumn.


  Excerpt from the poem

"  imaginary landscapes »




I wrote with ink and kalam,

Your name on a floating paper,

In the sand dunes,

On your face and in the bored air...


Excerpt from the poem

" Travel "




Paris my love,

You run in my veins since before me...

I hug you  before the day surprises us.

Between your arms, I throb and roll up.


Excerpt from the poem

" Paris "





I hear the silence,

Tiny plot of a waterfall,

Dew on the velvet of a leaf,

Whirlwind of a vanished wind.


Excerpt from the poem

"  Silence  »





Pearls laugh out loud on the eardrum of my heart

The words, like perfumes, dress my silences...


Excerpt from the poem





The child, listening to Mozart,

Laughed at the world that lights up,

to the sparks,

Whispers of gold on our eardrums.


Excerpt from the poem






Your eyes lost as answers to my questions,

In my old age, my wear and tear.

I stagger to wait for you,

You from me, my scratch.


Excerpt from the poem

" My son "





A blue island facing the ocean,

Posed like a seagull on the wave,

An island blue like a shining stone,

On the windy horizon.


Excerpt from the poem

"  A blue island  »





I listen to you and smell you,

My nostrils buried in your laces.

Aerials, you barely exist,

In the floating world of silence.


Excerpt from the poem

"  flowers  »





The flowery cells in my head,

left me before my last departure,

Leaving me cruelly alone and distraught,

Lost in a nothingness that settles.

   Excerpt from the poem

" Memory "




The waves of a mythical ocean,

surge under my closed eyelids,

Leaving cemeteries of stars to time,

Lights extinguished, vertigo of shadows.


Excerpt from the poem







There are words we don't want to say,

Which remain in the throat when the child asks,

so heavy they are,

How strong they are.


Look at them,

In their eyes you will see yours,

The ones you had when, helpless,

You were looking for affection.


Excerpt from the poem






Deep inside me, a singular murmur,

A sea stained with foam,

A sky that scratches the eyes,

A dark night to listen to.

   Excerpt from the poem

" Nightmare "





I soar in the haze of clouds

And fly free like the pollen of the tree,

Lay me down on the dew before it settles,

Lie down in the hollow of the evening mist.


Excerpt from the poem





- 2016


Marie Gagnon

Society of French Poets


Marie Gagnon auteure et poète


- 2013


Marie Gagnon


Marie Gagnon lauréate du prix Sully prudhomme


Marie Gagnon

Society of French Poets


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